In preparation for the conversion, Orgill will work with you and your POS provider to extract your
inventory information. This will be the foundation to a quality conversion.
Once it’s extracted, this file will be cross-matched to Orgill’s inventory to provide a foundation for inventory analysis, including retaining sales history, identifying slow-performing SKUs and possible missing categories.
Then, Orgill will share the results and go-forward recommendations with you. This would include any Smart Start recommendations that aid the conversion process. Smart Start is Orgill’s vendor lift program that can help change your assortments to Orgill warehouse-backed brands and will refresh the categories. Its implementation can be executed at the fraction of the cost, compared to ordering new assortments.
You can work with Orgill to review your go-forward retail pricing strategy, which includes a look at your retail margins and ensuring you are priced correctly for your specific market. Once the audit is completed, Orgill staff will coordinate
between you and your POS company to have the new file uploaded for conversion.
The next step is for Orgill’s retail development manager to contact you to set a date for the physical conversion at the store. The conversion process includes confirming your POS system has all updated information, bin labeling and merchandising the new Smart Start
assortments. This entire process can be completed in one week, minimizing the impact to the retailer’s regular business.